Dental hygiene: Taking care of your smile
Brushing your teeth, flossing and regularly visiting your dentist are the best ways to keep your smile bright. Read on to find out why dental hygiene is so important.
Behind one oral disease another may be lurking!
Did you know that oral health problems may have a significant impact on your quality of life? Over time, in fact, they can affect your sense of physical, psychological and social well being. For example, you might change the way you eat, speak or act with others to avoid pain or hide a problem you are having.
That is why, oral diseases like gingivitis or ulcers should not be taken lightly. They must be treated as soon as possible. Moreover, research has shown a link between oral diseases and other health problems, such as diabetes .
The 6 golden rules of oral hygiene
To reduce the risk of oral diseases, you should:
- brush your teeth after each meal and, most importantly, before bedtime;
- floss before going to bed to remove any food debris lodged between your teeth;
- see your dentist at least twice a year;
- eat a healthy diet (avoid sugary and acidic foods);
- regularly examine the inside of your mouth looking for signs of disease (e.g. red, painful, shiny, swollen or bleeding gums; white or red plaques; numbness or thickness in the tongue, roof of the mouth, gums and cheeks, etc.);
- avoid using tobacco products (e.g. cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco). Nicotine patches might help you quit smoking ). Talk to your doctor or pharmacist.
Pharmacy services
Do you have questions about oral hygiene products? Just ask your pharmacist to guide you in the right direction.
The pharmacy services presented in this section are offered by pharmacist owners who are affiliated with Uniprix. The pharmacists are solely responsible for the professional activities carried out during the practice of pharmacy. These services are offered in participating pharmacies only. Certain fees and conditions may apply.
* The information contained herein is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide complete information on the subject matter or to replace the advice of a health professional. This information does not constitute medical consultation, diagnosis or opinion and should not be interpreted as such. Please consult your health care provider if you have any questions about your health, medications or treatment.