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Maternity Services

Contact your local pharmacy to find out if these services are available.

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Expecting? Make Life easy.
Your family pharmacist can help you throughout your pregnancy. From prescribing medication for nausea and recommending prenatal vitamins, and vaccinations too, our pharmacists will answer your questions and help you relieve your pregnancy-related symptoms.

Advice on Vitamins

Icon of medication and pills

Folic acid plays an essential role in the development of your baby, right from the very first weeks of life.  

To make sure your body has a sufficient supply of folic acid when you do get pregnant, it is important to start taking folic acid supplements before you conceive. Ideally, you should start taking a supplement at least three months before stopping contraception. 

Talk to your pharmacist before choosing a product.

Advice on Medication

Icone multiples prescriptions de médicaments

Some medication should be avoided during pregnancy or if you are breastfeeding because they can be harmful to the baby, even in small amounts.  

Before taking any medication if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, talk to your pharmacist to know more about potential adverse effects. 

If your little one is in need of OTC medication, your pharmacist can offer advice on the best way to administer it for your baby’s safety. 

Pregnancy-Related Symptoms

Maternity pregnant woman icon

Nausea and acid reflux are common side effects pregnant women may experience. While they’re usually not serious, they can be pretty unpleasant. 

Your pharmacist can help you manage your symptoms and help you get back on your feet, with no danger for the baby.

Gestational Diabetes

icon of glucometer to test Diabetes

If you develop gestational diabetes in the course of your pregnancy and must take insulin to control it, your pharmacist will show you how and give you tips on how to manage your condition. 

They will also give you advice on blood glucose self-monitoring.


If you are a new mother, you may need a breast pump. Fortunately, it is possible to rent this device and all its accessories in your pharmacy.

Your pharmacist can also explain how to use it and how clean your breast pump equipment.  

App and Home Deliveries

Let your pharmacist come to you: use our app to get your prescriptions prepared ahead of time or home delivery services to get your medication in the comfort of your own home, which might be useful during the last miles of your pregnancy or when baby is home with you.

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